🎧 New podcast alert!

July 24, 2021 View e-mail online.
National Urban League

State of Black America® report. Here’s how our latest report serves as the blueprint for Black communities as the nation emerges from “three pandemics.”

Catch up on the gems. Can cancel culture be viewed as modern day white supremacy? Watch the full segment from the #StateofBlackAmerica event.

New podcast. If you loved the For the Movement podcast, join us as we relaunch it as the State of Black America podcast! Subscribe + tune in.

Vax facts. COVID-19 cases are on the rise all over the nation. Getting vaccinated gets us one step closer to reclaiming our lives. Here’s how.

If not now, then when? It’s time to uproot injustice and reimagine public safety. Here’s how we get justice for George Floyd and many others.

#AmplifyBlackVoices. We’ve partnered with Doritos to support Black innovators nationwide and our entrepreneurship programs. Find out more.

Rickey Smiley Morning Show





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