Missed #EOD2023? Catch up on the gems ✨

November 11, 2023 View e-mail online.
National Urban League

We love to see it! Read more about how Gov. Wes Moore’s commitment to end the racial wealth gap earned him the President’s Award during #EOD2023.

2023 Equal Opportunity Dinner. We had a blast at #EOD2023! Relive the moment and find photos of yourself, your friends, or your favorite sneakers.

It’s time to prioritize you. Register now for our FREE webinar on Nov. 15th to learn how to become your own advocate in the workplace + much more.

Let’s talk facts. Goldman Sachs' recent survey reveals ongoing economic challenges for Black women in America. Take a look.

National Apprenticeship Week. The Urban Apprenticeship Jobs Program fosters success in underserved communities. Learn more.

Are you vaxxed? Holiday season is here, and it’s the perfect time to schedule your vaccine appointment before your next gathering. Find out more.







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